“Amani is a collaborators dream, someone who is extremely easy to work with, holds a ridiculous work ethic and is extremely well connected. His passion for everything he does compliments his tenacity in achieving any goal he puts his mind to”

Joivan Wade
Hollywood actor and Co-Founder of The Wall Of Entertainment
“I was sat in the assembly crying as your story was so inspirational...So I just want to thank you not only from me but from my whole year group”
Year 10 student
“As a former senior detective in London, I have witnessed some of the most callous forms of youth crime. Rarely have I met someone who has turned their life around and selflessly tried to do the right thing. He is unquestionably a beacon of hope for anyone at the crossroads and I feel privileged that he serves on my governing body”

Matt Miller MBE
Chair of Governors and National Leader of Governance
“All teaching staff and I were really impressed with the way Amani balanced his message (quite a scary one for Year 5/6) with humour yet keeping the underlying message strong...”
SENCO and DSL at London Primary School
“It’s been a pleasure knowing and working with Amani since meeting him back in 2019 on the Victoria Derbyshire Show. His deep passion for holistically supporting and developing young people is something I truly identify with. Hence, why Aviard and Mentivity have collaboratively worked together on the Amani Project. I am deeply honoured to call Amani a friend and colleague, he is a constant source of inspiration to me.”

Sayce Holmes-Lewis
Co-Founder of Mentivity & Award-Winning Activist
“Amani is a compelling communicator.. he comes through time after time with really motivating wisdom and a clear plan for giving hope to all the audiences of young learners he meets - a warm model of excellence and just a great guy”

Lord Dr Michael Hastings CBE
Amani’s Mentor and Patron of AVIARD Inspires
Just reaching out to say thank you for the inspiring and motivating presentation you gave at the ready2lead conference yesterday! I had watched your film about a year ago so it was even more amazing for me to hear about your journey and the ways in which you changed your life for the better. All the girls from BGS were really impacted by your words and the 4 important lessons you shared will most definitely be remembered 🙂
Instagram Direct Message
Nov 2020
"Amani is truly one of a kind. Britain is lucky to have this kind of talent. The vision and leadership that he provides not just to young people, but to all of us is, is immense. We often say in our work, how can we get more Amani!”

Stephen Greene CBE
CEO of Rockcorps and Apprentice Nation
"Amani, thanks for sharing your experiences and perspectives. I am really inspired by your story and hope that we can hear a few more stories as we engage with the communities we serve. It's a reminder for us to look at young people holistically, not just label them by their behaviour or activities. I'll definitely take what you've said and try to apply it to my role"
Feedback from Home Office team member
Virtual Lunch and Learn, Nov 2020
"Amani is a great role model who lives his message: considered, thoughtful, and a great communicator whose authenticity shines out of him. Our boys found the talk astonishing and eye-opening, and we shall certainly be asking Amani to return to Eton to speak to our boys who haven’t yet heard his inspiring story."

Jonnie Noakes
Head Of Teaching and Learning @ Eton College
"Inspirational is the word which most children came up with when asked to describe the
assembly they had with Amani. The children were mesmerised and couldn't stop talking
about how blown away they were listening to Amani and how he turned such a traumatic and horrific experience into such a positive message for so many.
We can't wait for Amani to return and help the children and parents learn from him and his intense knowledge and wisdom"
We can't wait for Amani to return and help the children and parents learn from him and his intense knowledge and wisdom"
Learning Mentor / DSL, Primary School
“You told your story and I took it to heart then I started making some bad decisions. Then after I made them, I watched your story again and thought to myself I’m in year 8 and I need to buckle down. Tiny things can make a big change. You’re one of the top 5 people look up to”
Year 8 Student, Haringey
"Your film made me realize that my potential is being wasted trying to
fit with the “cool kids”
and going down the wrong path. I want to change”
Youtube comment
under 'AMANI' Short Film
Amani, once again thank you so much for sharing your experience with us today. We all will take away so much from you and I really did feel you have inspired many in the hall, including myself!
What a brilliant session. In all my years here, I could honestly say that was one of the best external sessions we have ever had
What a brilliant session. In all my years here, I could honestly say that was one of the best external sessions we have ever had
Head Of Year 9, Haringey
“Thank you for showing me that no matter what I can be whoever I want to be and to take every opportunity I am given. I hope you can keep doing what you’re doing and continue to inspire others like me”
Year 9 Student